Methods for Using Google to Locate Your SEO Backlinks
Backlinks are without a doubt the undisputed heavyweight champion of the search engine optimization industry, as anyone can tell you. Not everyone, on the other hand, can tell you how and where to obtain high-quality backlinks. What if there was a method to have Google inform you where to get backlinks? Wouldn’t that be great? Good news is that there is a method, and I will demonstrate it to you!
Before we get started, let’s define what a backlink is for those who are new to the concept of SEO.
In its most basic definition, a backlink is nothing more than another website that links to your website. Articles, press releases, videos, blogs, forums, social bookmarking sites, sponsored links, free link exchange, and other types of content can all be found on a single website. Backlinks are defined as any link referring to your website that you wish to rank higher on Google’s search results page.
As a result of this, I’d want to discuss the distinction between spammy backlinks and high-quality backlinks. Over the years, Google has gotten increasingly adept at identifying which websites are authoritative enough to appear on their search results pages in order to best match the search words that were entered into the Google search box in the first place.
Because SEO is not an established science, there will always be differing viewpoints on the subject. It changes on a regular basis. Backlinks, on the other hand, continue to be the primary factor in determining what appears in search results. Consider a backlink to your website as a vote for it. If I link to your site from my site, it’s essentially saying, “Hey, I agree with your site, it’s related to my issue, and it adds value to the conversation.” In the grand scheme of things, the candidate who receives the most number of votes wins.
It’s far past the day when link spamming was a thing. In the previous five years, there has been a significant advancement in Google’s algorithm. Google is constantly striving to give the greatest search results to its users, and as a result, Google’s filters are constantly changing in order to present the most qualified sites that are relevant to the search topic. To give you an example, if I put the phrase “dog grooming” into Google, I would expect to see a website dedicated to “dog grooming.” Right?
Let’s pretend that there are two websites vying for the top spot in the search engine results page. Website “A” has 50 backlinks from other websites that are connected to “dog grooming,” whereas website “B” has 50 backlinks from entirely unrelated websites such as “muscle cars” or “house cleaning goods.” Who do you think will win this contest between the two websites? Google has the capability of determining this. And, of course, website “A” will look more authoritative than website “B,” resulting in website “A” earning the number one search position.
So, how does all of this factor into our overall strategy for locating backlinks? Well, aside from the self-generated content, which will, of course, be linked to our chosen topic of discussion, I prefer to utilize Google to show me where I may locate relevant websites from which I can obtain a high-quality related backlink.
There are two sorts of backlinks: internal links and external links.
1) Do Follow – This basically allows the link to act as a vote for your site when it is clicked.
2) No Follow – Essentially, this prevents the link from passing a vote for your website.
Both are important in SEO, but for the sake of this article, we will focus on Do Follow Links in order to avoid becoming overly confused with the subject. Using a Firefox plugin that tells you which links are Do Follows and which ones are No Follows is strongly recommended by me. There are several plugins available, but Quirk Search Status is one of my favorites. It will mark all No Follow links in red, allowing me to determine at a glance if a site is worth placing my backlink on or not by simply scanning the page.
OK Now that you’ve installed your plug-in, you’re ready to let Google do the heavy lifting for you!
Here are some excellent resources for backlinks.
Comments on the blog:
Blogs that utilize a widget called “Keyword Luv” to allow people to comment on their posts are becoming increasingly popular. What this enables the commenter to do is to include their name as well as their anchor text in the comments section of the website. As a consequence, you will receive a backlink to your website that contains your keyword.
So, how does one go about discovering these blogs?
Fill in the blanks with the following text in the Google search box (don’t forget to include the quotation marks):
Take advantage of this offer by entering “YourName@YourKeyword in the name field.” Plus “Your Keyword.”
The phrase “YourName@YourKeyword” should not be changed, but the second “Your Term” should be replaced with a keyword that is relevant to your website. So, returning to our Dog Grooming website, we would input the following:
Use “YourName@YourKeyword in the name box to take advantage” plus “dog grooming” to maximize your chances of winning.
Using keyword backlinks, Google will locate all of the websites that enable you to leave comments. Then, when you’ve clicked on each result, check for the sites that don’t have red highlighed links (thanks to our handy Firefox plug-in) in the comment area and leave an informative remark on one of their posts. It may take some time to locate them, but once you do, make a note of the websites’ URLs so that you may return to them later.
Commenting on the forum:
Forum comments are yet another excellent source of backlinks for your website. Most forums enable you to upload a signature file that contains a link to your website. Your signature file is linked to the comments you’ve made. You will thus receive a backlink for each remark you make. Not only do you receive a backlink from forums, but if you remark with additional value, people will learn to trust you and will naturally look into what you’re doing as a result (free traffic…).
Fill in the blanks with “quotes” in Google.
inurl:forums”Your Keyword” inurl:forums
Show me all of the forums that are relevant to “Your Keyword,” is what this is requesting Google. Using this search term will return all forum websites in the search engine results.
We would put the following onto our Dog Grooming website:
forum:”dog grooming” inurl:forums”dog grooming”
Verify that the signature links are not highlighted in red in the forum comments by scrolling through the threads.
Finding webpages with extensions
Obtaining backlinks from educational and government websites is not a simple task to accomplish. Google appears to place a greater emphasis on these sorts of backlinks. So, assuming that’s the case, let’s get some delicious backlinks going!
Fill in the blanks with “quotes” in Google.
“Leave a comment”+”Your Keyword” on
This instructs Google to go out and locate me an educational website on which I may leave a remark that is connected to the term I entered. “leave a comment” + “Your Keyword”
This instructs Google to go out and locate me a government website on which I may leave a remark that is connected to the keyword I entered.
Make careful to substitute “Your Term” with the actual keyword for which you are ranking in the search results.
I advise you to use these strong backlinking strategies into your regular SEO operations in order to get more high-quality, relevant backlinks.